Thursday, March 7, 2024

回到商業輔導 ( Business Coaching)

 今年參與了BCM , 會在這裡多分享我的學習旅程 !

我剛参加了BCM的franchise partnership program, 相信可運用學來的技巧做好宣傳課程的工作

Brian Cha Motivation (BCM) 為此提供多元化的服務支援,透過多項優質專業、實證有效的培訓課程、諮詢服務、演講活動等,為客戶度身訂造市場上最具前瞻性、最成效顯著的解決方案。

Brian Cha Motivation BCM Official Website (

Business coaching

Sunday, November 26, 2017

楊半仙的前世今生 < 第四回 > : 梦會毛主席

可能係,排练小井胡同的关系。昨晚居然梦得- 毛主席。佢,并无老态,精神抖擞。和蔼又显得有气度。相信係导演king Sir 係呢段时间,俾我嘅感覺。我在梦中,就好似,文革中嘅红卫兵一样,拥戴着毛主席。但只是遥望,欣赏他的风采,并无对话,最后目送他坐船离开。




楊半仙的前世今生 < 第三回 > : 杨柳青之謎







荣誉: 著名的中国民间木版年画之一,


杨半仙為什麼人叫"半仙" , 應跟他半閉不開的單眼有關 ?! 

楊半仙的前世今生 < 第二回 > : 楊半仙的價值

好不容易, 特訓完成, 認識了一班志同道合, 對舞台劇有熱誠的年青師弟師妹, 還有建團的理大校友

從網絡上, 找到一個迷上紫微斗數,又看手相命相雜書,買了電腦算命軟體。常常幫朋友免費推命,以此聯絡情感的台北楊先生

题為 < 誤盡蒼生楊半仙 >  , 有詩為證:「自稱異人傳秘法,誤盡蒼生楊半仙」。


楊半仙 自古以來均以相士自居...

但跟<小井胡同>中的楊半仙又有何關聯呢 ?
而劇本首句是"  小井要是有個會說書的該有多好 " , 楊半仙又可否當此重任呢 ?

Monday, November 6, 2017

楊半仙的前世今生 < 第一回 > : 搜尋杨半仙的蹤跡

因演<小井胡同> 關係, 我在網路上, 搜尋了杨半仙的蹤跡, 了解這是個什麼樣的人物 ?



只知博客主是杨诗意, 一个(-1)岁的产品人
这个博客将会记录仔她成为一名优秀PM所做的所有努力, 那與杨半仙又有何關係?

在 面書 (FB) 上, 也有十個以"杨半仙" 為名的網頁.


現實上, 我從<小井胡同> 的劇本得知 -

楊半仙 : 男,四十歲,改賣年畫的測字先生。就此而矣

九月, 我們開始接受特訓 (The advanced acting workshop ), 時間從九月十一至十月十三日, 足足八堂

由 Mr Johnson Yu 余俊峰先生主教 


而鍾景輝博士出現傳受"演員的素養"呢 !

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

ISO9001:2015 FAQ : How to collect and understand the needs and expectations of interested parties ?


The need for organizations to understand the needs and expectations of interested parties is a mandatory requirement of the management systems standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.

But who exactly are Interested Parties and how do you manage them?

Today , I find the workable way to answer our focus question : How to collect and understand the needs and expectations of interested parties ?

You may have different queries for the right way to collect the needs and expectation from the interested parties, maybe you are using the survey / questionnaires to collect but not success even only focus on your customers, or wondering how effective for the focus group approach used by MTRC right now.

Based on the new requirements in ISO9001:2015 , IT IS REALLY THE HEADACHES TO COLLECT ALL needs and expectation from YOUR interested parties and understand them, especially when you are the government departments in Hong Kong. When you facing the ever-ending complaints from the public,  you do not dare to try the new approach for collecting the feedback from the interested parties . But I tell you , Social Lab is a new approach to solving complex social challenges through participatory, de-expertised research methods and cross-sector collaboration. It is really the good try to join the LIBoratory project as in their Blog < > for searching the new way to answer the above focus question.

After having a look on this project, try to contact them or me for further clarification , and I will coach you to upgrade your QMS to meet the new challenging requirement " To understand the needs and expectation from the interested parties".

Berry Yeung
(Your Quality Coach in upgrading of QMS to ISO9001:2015)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Water : 

China’s biggest film ever is about humans destroying the environment … and mermaids
