Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Coaching for building the effective mentoring

At Mentor side At Mentee side
3 Questions to Ask Before Taking on
a Mentee

  • How motivated is the mentee? Assess the junior person's drive to advance. Your mentee has to be motivated if you're going to have a successful relationship.
  • How far is there to go? Where is the mentee in terms of experience versus where she wants to be? You should take someone on with developmental gaps that you can help fill.
  • Do I have the relevant experience and time? You never want to shortchange a mentoring relationship. Be sure you can effectively support the mentee in terms of knowledge and effort.
Set Goals Before Meeting With
Your Mentor

Knowing what you want from a mentoring relationship is critical. Before you sit down with your mentor for the first time, decide what you hope to learn. Ask yourself what you want in work and life. Which assets will help you get there? Identify the strengths that will best serve you. Then, honestly examine the roadblocks, challenges, or weaknesses that are slowing you down. Once you do that you're ready to articulate your goals and share them with your mentor. Keep it to no more than five goals, so they don't detract from what your mentor has to offer.

Source :

Harvard Business Review